Saturday 22 January 2022

Shelter from the storm

 Near the end of my tolerance for being out in the storm I took refuge in the parking garage of the Byward Market.  It was distinguished by its emptiness as everyone had wisely stayed home which allowed me diffused light to use to advantage in the cavern.

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Snowy day in Ottawa

 A major snowstorm in Ottawa got me inspired enough to get dressed and go out in the falling snow.  It turned out to be great fun and not terribly cold.  As I do not have to shovel and had no  need to go anywhere by car it was not in the least stressful but thoroughly enjoyable.  Me and all the children I guess...

Monday 17 January 2022

Labours of the Day

 A major snow storm in the Nation's Capital today brought lots of snow and the brave souls who tried to keep up with the falling white stuff...

Thursday 6 January 2022

Tlhe torrents at Hogs Back Falls

The Rideau River is certainly running well this winter and it is providing photo opportunities all along its length.  My chosen spot yesterday was Hogs Back Falls - it does not seems to matter how many times it is visited, there is always something to shoot.

Monday 3 January 2022

My favourites but not necessarily best for 2021

I realized that with spending five months in the country and seven in the city I had quite a variety and quantity of images, here are the ones I like:


Saturday 14 January 2012

More Photos

For more of my photos, check out my website at